Friday, July 19, 2013

best birthday ever

 MissG turned 6 this month. We try to keep her birthday celebrations pretty low key, because she really struggles with big gatherings and lots of noise and unpredictability. This year she asked to invite her whole class, but when we talked about it she decided 4 friends would be good. We made some invitations and handed them out at school. We made a calendar and she excitedly crossed off each day as she went to bed. As the day got closer we regularly heard comments like "I can't believe it's only 5 days until my birthday" and "I'm so excited I'm going to be six". She had chosen a dinosaur theme for her party, so we bought a few things, and she decided what she wanted her cake to look like. Anticipation was running high. She was disappointed that two friends couldn't come, but it didn't matter in the end. She had such a lovely time with the two that came, and the party was very relaxed and enjoyable for all. Just as we were about to wrap things up there was a little moment of anxiety over something not going as planned, but she took herself off to her room for a moment, and re-emerged back in control and ready to have more fun. All in all a great success of a party, and as her friends were going she threw her arms around my waist and declared "This is the best birthday EVER"!!!  
Mission accomplished! 

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